Friday, January 7, 2011

Two Ingredients...okay three counting the pepper

So, I've decided to try and feed my family some different/better foods.  I realized that my fridge was full of junk and my pantry was full of junk...thus we were becoming what we ate...junkies.  That being said, I knew there would be some resistance from some in the Smith ranks...namely one of my children who shall remain nameless.  (although anyone who knows this child will know who I'm referring to...)

I signed up on a free website called  It is a weight loss site that is completely free.  It has apps for my ipod and I downloaded both of them; one of which being an app with recipes on it.  I decided to try one of them out.  Broiled Tilapia Parmesan sounded pretty adventurous given that my family doesn't eat a whole lot of fish but since I'm determined to get us eating better I thought I'd give it a try.  What was tricky for me was what to serve with it.  I didn't want heavy potatoes or pasta with sauce.  It had to be rice--how lovely--two white things on a plate.  So I dug around in my fridge and wracked my brain and came up with a few extra items.  Spinach salad with hard cooked egg and bacon, and then the best side dish I've made in a long time--bacon wrapped asparagus. 

You'll have to forgive the fact that I didn't take any photos but don't fret as I will be making it again and will post them then.  So you will need a total of 2 (possibly 3) ingredients: bacon, asparagus--and fresh cracked pepper if desired.  Preheat your oven to 400F.  Line a cookie sheet with foil.  Wash your asparagus and chop off the woody end parts.  Bunch the asparagus in groups of 4 (or three I suppose if they are large stalks).  Take one piece of bacon and wrap it around the 4 stalks of asparagus.  Place it seam side down on your baking sheet.  Repeat with the rest of your asparagus.  Sprinkle with fresh cracked pepper if you'd like--I did 4 bunches with and 4 without.  Bake in your hot oven for about 20 minutes and then crisp them up under the broiler for about a minute or so (but keep an eye on them so they don't burn.)  Voila!!  Simple side dish with yummy reviews.  Even my pickiest eater ate them!  (although the tops were cut of because they weren't enjoyed very much--but everything covered in bacon got eaten with rave reviews!!!)  If you give them a try, let me know.

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