Friday, September 16, 2011

A New Kind of Addiction

So I've found a new that will cause me to create more things in my kitchen than ever before and maybe even start crafting.  If nothing else it will help me keep up to date on my blog.  (which has gone by the wayside)  This new evil addiction is called Pinterest.  If you haven't checked it out, it is so worth it.  Google it.  Your life will never be the same (nor will your free time)  :-).

Anyways...I was looking through some of the crafts on the site and found a calendar made from a picture frame.  I loved it so much that I adapted it to a need I had in my home and that was my Family Night chart.  In years past I had a cute little chart with pictures of our family on it and we moved things from one magnet to another but as the years have gone on, things have gotten lost or banged up and it has lost its lustre.  So! I decided to put together a new family chart with my new found wisdom from Pinterest.  I had no idea that you could use dry erase markers on glass (I know, I live under a rock) but have tossed the moving pieces for dry erase to make my life easier. 

I was shocked to see my hubby pick up the marker at the end of our last Family Night and move everyones names around.  As I am not really that crafty, this was fun.  (and simple) 
You need:  any picture frame you'd like ( I got mine at Walmart for around $20)
                  scrapbooking paper and stickers (or whatever other lettering you like)
                  white board markers
                  about 20 minutes worth of time.

Cut your paper to the photo sized openings listed on the frame.  Designate which slot is which by using your stickers/letterings.  Place in each window on the frame and TaDa!  You are ready to go.  You can use this for all kinds of things...job chart, family calendar, message board.  You are only limited by your imagination!!