Monday, December 13, 2010

Drowning in Chocolate!

Back at it again.  My M-i-L and I recruited my husband and daughter to help dip chocolates this last weekend.  We accomplished a lot and had over 600 dipped by lunch time.  It is no small undertaking.  We had issues with chocolate too hot or too cold, and people not stirring it often enough.  Heaven knows these ones may not be pretty but they were dipped with love.  Chris and Claire have never helped dip like this before.  Claire complained half an hour in that her arm was going to fall off.  It was hilarious.  How I love that kid.  She was happy when we told her she could quit dipping and place the walnut on top of each maple chocolate. 

The coconuts are one of my favorite.  I am really hoping they turned out well this year.  Claire got to help sprinkle the tops on these as well.  She loves being the topper I think.

...and of course it wouldn't be Christmas without peppermint patties.  They seem to be the overwhelming favorite of most people I talk to.  Anyways, I hope you like them this year.  If you want some how to pictures, let me know.  I've taken some step by step ones but wasn't sure if they were interesting enough to post.  :-)

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